Discovery Kingdom Child Care

Discovery Kingdom Child Care

Discovery Kingdom Child Care offers programs for infants, toddlers, preschool and school-age children.   For further information or a tour of the facility, contact Contact Discovery Kingdom, at (419) 728-0144 or

Study Center at Discovery Kingdom (School Age Children)

No matter what your choice for the school year is, as a parent rest assured Discovery Kingdom is here to help. Our new Study Center will assist school-age children, who attend the center, with their online students throughout the school year.

The Study Center at Discovery Kingdom will be used by students who have specific school assignments that need adult supervision to ensure they are completed. Children will be moved from the regular classroom to the Study Center where the environment is more suitable for concentration and completion of homework.

Enrolled children will be asked to bring their school-assigned schedules, work, materials and equipment. We will provide internet, the space and a teacher to assist the children if they should need help.

Discovery Kingdom provides hot meals, play time and a structured environment for the remainder of the day. If schools resume in-the-classroom schedules there will be safe, reliable bus and van transportation to local schools. Full days, part-time and half days are available.

Space is limited call 419-728-0144 today for enrollment!

Infants (6 weeks-17 months)

Because infants make their own schedules, we do not have a formal daily routine in our infant classes.  We respect all children have different personalities, and each child develops at their own individual pace.  Our focus is to encourage and teach your child developmentally appropriate skills at a pace that is comfortable for them. Each day the children will have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of experiences including:  tasting foods, exploring senses, enjoying music and movement, being outdoors (weather permitting), enjoying stories and books, imitating and pretending, interaction with our senior clients, & resting/relaxing.

With this age group, we strive to teach a sense of self, security and trust.  We encourage socialization and self-help skills.  We provide responsive care given in a nurturing, peaceful, safe environment.

Toddlers (18 months to 3 years)

Our goals for toddlers include self-help as well as cognitive skills.  We work on counting & sorting; the alphabet; familiar songs; controlling crayons, markers, and pencils properly; recognizing colors & shapes; animals and animal sounds; body parts; own first and last name; catching, throwing and hopping & more!  Discovery Kingdom staff will work with parent/guardian to determine when the process of potty training should start.  Potty manners and self-help are taught from the very beginning.  We practice with the child on a consistent 1-2 hour schedule, with lots of praise and encouragement.

Preschool Age (3-5 years of age)

Our preschool classes continue to build on the skill development started in the toddler rooms.  We work to further foster independence within the preschool-age children by assisting them to meet their own needs instead of doing “for” them.  Kindergarten readiness activities are routinely offered.  Our curriculum includes a variety of concepts including: large and small motor activity; quiet and active play; sensory stimulation; creative arts; beginning science, math, and social studies; reading readiness/English language arts; and self-help skills.

Each preschool class room is set-up in a learning center environment.  This means toys and games are selected for their educational value, and are arranged on the classroom according to the area of cognitive development that they enhance.

School Age Program (6-12 years of age)

Discovery Kingdom’s school age curriculum is compliant with Bowling Green City Schools. Our curriculum for school-age children is to be a continuation of concepts new and learned. Discovery Kingdom believes children learn through life experiences and build skills that become easier to learn and master with development.



Administration of Medication Form

Admission Agreement and Statement of Verification

Child Background Information

Child Enrollment and Health Information

Child Medical Statement

Child Pick Up Authorization

Infant Information

Permission Form










